
Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness that affects more than three million Americans. It is a family of more than 30 diseases that affects pressure within the eye (intraocular pressure), and damages the optic nerve. Often called the “sneak thief” of sight, people with most forms of glaucoma do not have symptoms until the optic nerve is already severely damaged. If diagnosed early, the disease can be controlled and permanent vision loss can be prevented.

What causes glaucoma? Glaucoma occurs when the normal pressure inside the eyes (intraocular pressure or IOP) increases because the aqueous humor fluid – which usually flows in and out of the eye – is unable to drain. Over time, this fluid buildup damages the optic nerve, the structure that sends visual signals from your eyes to your brain. Underlying reasons for this usually relate to the type of glaucoma you have.

Symptoms of glaucoma

In most cases, glaucoma is asymptomatic (has no symptoms). By the time an individual experiences decreased vision, the disease is frequently in its latter stages. Since early warning signs of glaucoma are rare, it is important —- especially for those at risk —- to have regular med ical eye examinations every one or two years.

Patients with chronic glaucoma may not be aware of any symptoms because the disease develops slowly and they rarely notice loss of peripheral vision. Patients with an acute form of glaucoma (acute angle closure) may develop severe symptoms because ocular pressure rises quickly and they may experience:

Blurred vision, especially at night

Halos or rainbows around lights

Severe headaches or eye pain


  • Common types of glaucoma
  • Acute angle closure Glaucoma
  • Acute closure of the peripheral drainage angle, characterized by a sudden increase in intraocular pressure.

Oral Medications

Like eye drops, oral prescription medications help reduce pressure inside your eye.

Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma

The iris obstructs the eye’s drainage angle in a slow, progressive fashion.

Primary Open Angle Glaucoma

The drainage angle is open but does not allow fluid to drain adequately for unknown reasons.

Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma

Deposits of a fibrillary material that may contribute to the obstruction of the fluid drainage from the eye.

Pigmentary Glaucoma

Pigment dislodged from the iris obstructs the eye’s drainage structures.

Angle Recession Glaucoma

Scar tissue from previous trauma obstructs the outflow of fluid.

Neovascular Glaucoma

Various disorders cause blood vessels to proliferate on the iris and in the eye’s drainage structures.

Normal Tension Glaucoma

Glaucoma that develops despite eye pressure in the normal range.

Childhood Glaucoma or Pediatric Glaucoma

Childhood glaucoma, also referred to as congenital glaucoma, pediatric glaucoma or primary infantile glaucoma occurs in babies and young children.

Glaucoma Risk Factors

Although glaucoma is most common in adults over the age of 40, susceptibility is not determined by age alone. A genetic predisposition of those with a family history of the disease and African-Americans, are at a particularly increased risk. Studies have shown individuals at greater risk for glaucoma may fit one or more of the following criteria:

  • 18+ years or older
  • Are over the age of 60
  • Have a family history of the disease, elevated intraocular pressure
  • Have diabetes or hypertension
  • Are very nearsighted or farsighted
  • Steroid Users
  • Have had an eye injury
  • Are Hispanic over the age of 60
  • Expert Diagnosis for Early Detection